diy | clay & copper mobile


Hey guys! Hope your week started off wonderfully :)
The past two years I've watched mobiles becoming more and more liked. I, for sure, have caught myself eyeing beautiful mobiles several times. And the fun is that they are not only for kiddos anymore!! YAY!!! I mean, wouldn't it be lovely to hang a beautiful mobile somewhere outside, on the balcony perhaps or in the porch even better? Anyway, all that plus that I like playing with clay, gave me the idea to make my own, a bit smaller than the ones I'm eyeing, mobile. 

AnnaRosa on Vimeo.

And when i made it I couldn't stop starring at it moving with the wind. So here is a video only to show you how beautiful it "dances".

So, first thing you need to do is to make a handful of beads and four sticks with four holes each (mine are 20cm long). I used an air-drying clay but you can of course use whatever kind you prefer. Since I'm a minimalism-freak I left the beads white but you can always get more creative by painting them. 
As you see above, I made five types of bead-shapes and then I played with the size of them. I just always had in mind to make at least four of each shape. 
The most difficult part is to assemble the squared "wreath" where the beads will hang from. The photos below will guide you step by step to help you with it. Take a good look at the last photo, where the jute in the square forms a tic-tac-toe. That step is really important to make it strong and stable. Note that you need to tie a small knot where the jute meets each hole. 

Now that the hard part is over.....spice it up by adding the beads you creatively made!!! This was my favorite part.. And while making it I decided to add some copper beads as well! Cause what else do I love besides white clay? Copper! So obvious.. haha! 
Anyway, hope you like it and I'd love to see your versions or other mobiles you've made perhaps.. 

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