F/W Minimalist Wardrobe: the 32 Necessary Pieces (+ a free printable checklist)


Many have talked on the purposes and benefits of having a capsule wardrobe. A lot of them have suggested particular ways to achieve it yourself; Caroline from Unfancy shared all her journey to possessing only pieces that she absolutely loves to wear and Joshua from BecomingMinimalist revealed his insights on how to own fewer clothes. 
Minimalism is not the lack of something, it’s the perfect amount of something


  • you’ll save time: chances are that every morning you spend too much time deciding your outfit
  • you’ll save money: even if you buy only costly pieces, you’ll find yourself saving money because you’ll buy less often and spontaneously
  • you’ll gain confidence: since your clothes will be chosen one by one, based on what is flattering your body so you will never have to worry again in the middle of the day whether you dressed nicely or not


  • buy only what you really love: G O L D E N rule. Guys I mean it. Don’t ever buy something just because it nice, or you like it, or it looks ok on other people. Spend money only on stuff you fall in love with. The ones you cannot imagine your life (outfit) without. 
  • choose quality over quantity: of course we all have bought the 5$ t-shirt we randomly found at the market, but when it comes to basic pieces that you’ll want to keep for years, it is better to choose the best you can find. 
  • go for flattering not “in fashion”: the core of a minimalist wardrobe is exactly that the pieces are neutral, more or less monochromatic – so if you mix them all up you’ll still look pretty amazing – and basically and most importantly s u s t a i n a b l e. So, it is way better to invest in things you look confident wearing and buy fancy accessories and jewelry to spice up your outfits and feel “trendy”. 
I, on the other hand, have always struggled with giving away my clothes. Maybe because my mom’s wardrobe was as big as an actual shop (btw she recently got rid of more than 2/3 of her clothes and donated everything to the refugees from Syria — Kudos mom!!!) or maybe due to my step mother’s actual clothing shop. About 8 months ago, when I stumbled upon a series of posts on developing a capsule wardrobe, I started thinking it was high time to actually follow that path myself. So, I gave away half of my clothes. And yet, my closet wasn’t where it should be.
A couple of months later when it was time to move to Rotterdam a second wardrobe purge took place and basically I was left with only the clothes I would bring to the Netherlands (minus the really summery ones – damn you cold weather!). Guys, believe it or not I’m in the  middle of a THIRD clean up! 
I have to admit I really love my clothes and I’ll try really hard to reach the state where I’ll actually own only 32 pieces. This post is the beginning of my personal effort to own less clothes by the way. And below are the pieces I plan on wearing the most. I narrowed them down for you because I’m pretty sure that these pieces are what you need too to built a strong, stylish and minimalist fall/winter wardrobe.
Below I’ve listed 32 pieces I own (the exact same or similar for older pieces) so you’ll basically take a look at my wardrobe – which means that this is a sneak peek of what I’ll wear on my outfit posts. If you want to buy or check any of them, just click on their photo. 
Also…make sure to download the free printable checklist if you want to streamline your wardrobe too :) 
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