DIY :: Origami Christmas Tree


And finally I managed to post this origami tree tutorial...for those who follow me on instagram, you know I've made these last week. So if you wanna know how to make this....

Update on 11 November 2013!!! 
After a couple of comments it was pointed out to me that the steps are not very clear and many of you got confused around the 9th-10th tile. In order to help you understand the procedure I put together a little video! I hope this helps ;) Let me know what you think and thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to fix it!! Hopefully soon enough before Christmas, right?? 

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  1. Love this!! I will definitely try it! Thanks!

  2. Γυμναστικη για το μυαλο και τα χερια!

  3. That escalated quickly! Miss want to do from step 6 to 7!

  4. I always love to have as tall as 6.5 feet trees and go with different multicolor lights. Every year, I will finish this job with my kids. They love to help with me to decorate the tree.
    Homemade Christmas Decorations

