myLifebox going Etsy | shop Teaser


Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has finally come! I proudly announce the opening of my brand new jewelry shop on Etsy. I have been working on my designs since this past summer and I think it is high time to share them with you. I'm very happy about launching my statement jewelry line and hopefully you'll like them too. 

Lets talk about my inspiration now. As I already told you, I have been working on my designs since August, because that's when I was first introduced to climbing cord. As many of you may already know, I'm not into the fine and elegant skills. I very much admire those who are though, but that's just not my thing. Thank God I don't particularly wear that kind of jewelry, cause I love making what I like and want. 
Anyway, long story short, I first bought only 1m of cord. You know, just to experiment. I just made a little knot and wore it one day for drinks. A friend of mine loved it so, it goes without saying, I gave it to her, having in mind that I can make another one for myself. Next week the same happened with my mom who was visiting. Anyway, the point is that everyone was asking me to make cord necklaces for them! I got so excited that in a very short time I had already made a dozen of my necklaces and had a dozen more ideas for new designs. 

Unfortunately, climbing cord is really in, at least here in Greece. At first I felt totally uninspired to keep making my necklaces, since there were many of them already in stores. But I had already fallen in love with the cord and I didn't want to stop. Then it occurred to me that pretty much everything is already been done, so I chose to keep doing my lovely jewelry by adding a little bit more of me. And me, here, stands for wool and copper, two of my most beloved materials! I hope you like the combination and my designs as well.

My brand new etsy a few days will be open...a dream come true. Stay tuned for more details and the specific launching date!


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