diy | clay ring dishes


hello guys! hope your week is trucking along nicely. I, for one, am trying to be optimistic and stay positive during my -hopefully last- exam period. BUT how exciting is the giveaway we brought together for Fashiony Fab? Did you enter already? if not make sure you do here!

So, let's get the ball rolling.. Today's DIY post is probably one of my all time favorites. Maybe exaggerating a little bit, but it combines several things I love. My latest addiction: white air-drying clay, (remember this?). Geometric shapes. And, mostly pertaining to the photo-shoot, but, white AND gold? Is there anything not to love about this project? ok, i'm totally exaggerating now, sorry :)

You will need: air-drying clay, a rolling pin, a craft knife, sand paper and bowls. 
1. using your rolling pin to flatten the clay so that you have a nice around 4mm thick clay layer.
2. use your craft knife to cut the shape you want (at least 5cm wide)
3. put the flat shapes into bowls to take the shape of their bottom (see photo on the left).
4. let them dry for one day and then remove them form the bowls, allowing them a few more hours to dry completely.
5. when dry, sand paper the rough edges and...ready!! 

I guess most of you already know that I'm a huge fan of clay's imperfect look. I love it's matte look and kind of sandy feel when touching it. I also like that it is not perfectly smooth. Anyway, my point is that if you are not a fan of all these things, you still can sand-paper the rough edges a lot more than I did and also varnish, or even paint the dishes. 

Happy DIYing <3

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