Traditional Greek Fish Soup


Today we made a fish soup. The traditional one, called kakavia in Greece. It is supposed that this recipe comes from fish men who needed something simple to eat while working. 

You'll need :: 
3 fish suitable for soup (I used cod, scorpion fish and an other one called ogress in Greek but I don't know how to translate it)
4 large carrots
1 big potato
salt, pepper and olive oil

How to ::
Boil the fishes for about 15mins.Dice the vegetables into large pieces. Remove the fishes from the water and add the vegetables instead, adding some olive oil too. When the fishes are a bit cooler, clean them and dice them to go into the soup again. By then the vegetables will be ready. Put some of them in the food processor and liquidize them. Add the fishes, the liquidized veggies, some salt and pepper and as mush lemon juice as you want into the soup..and enjoy! 
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