DIY pillowcases


When I stumbled upon this post on ABeautifulMess I thought immediately that I had to do it too! So I did and this is the result! I used two different methods.

1. For the black and white pillowcase you'll need :: 
masking tape, black fabric paint, a white pillowcase and a foam brush.
Just make the shapes you want (cross) on the pillowcase using the masking tape. Dilute fabric paint with some water. Be careful cause the more water you add the less intense the color will be! Paint over the shapes and let the pillowcase dry for a couple of hours before using it. 

2. For the yellow pillowcase you'll need ::
foam paper to make stamps, something to mount your stamp (a small flat piece of wood for example), some glue for mounting it, fabric paint, a white pillowcase and a brush.
Choose the shape you want for your stamp, cut it and mount it. Dilute fabric paint with some water. Brush the stamp with paint before application and start stamping! 

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