Mother's day


Everyone has a person in his life that holds really close to his heart. So close that it is almost a part of it. That person for me is my mum. It might sound cliche but it is 100% true. My mum has been my mmother, my father and my friend for my whole life. I practically owe everything I've turned into, to her. Personally and professionally. She has always been the person to look up to and my most strict judge. But in the most loving and caring way possible. We sure have had our difficulties and I've stormed out quite a lot screaming at her that she cannot get me at all. But who hasn't claimed at least once that their parents don't get them? And believe me, bottom line, she's the only one that gets me that good. 

So, mum, I first need to say a big thank you for being there for me no matter what. For supporting whatever crazy thoughts and ideas I might have and for understanding my feelings so well, every time. You are my favorite person to share a wagamama meal with <3 And I always enjoy watching cheesy movies with you while you almost certainly fall asleep. I promise I will do my best to show you my love more and be more understanding when I'm not and I promise to cook for you your favorite mini potatoes with rosemary whenever possible.

Love you!
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