RECIPE | Hazelnut Tahini Noodles w/ Beef


The big news are that last week I decided to go dairy-free. That's kinda big for me since I basically drunk milk instead of water. Not good at all, I know. Well, during these past few days I've searched maybe hundreds of vegan recipes to get inspired. Of course I still eat meat but it is easier to look for non-dairy recipes like that. And just spice it up by adding some finely sliced beef on top. 

I'm sure most of you already know the Love and Lemons blog. If you don't, please check it out, the recipes are divine. As is this pasta recipe. I'm so glad I tried it. 

You can find the instructions here and then if, like me, you want to add some beef just slice it and roast it for approx. 5mins in order to stay tender and soft.  

After cooking this dish i realized that it's been like forever since I last posted about food here on the blog. So, I had an idea that doesn't require a lot of effort from my end, since I'm really busy at the moment to make new recipes from scratch, and I'll still have the chance to post about food, which I really love. So, since I'm trying to build new, healthier nutrition habits I need to find recipes that not only are appropriate but delicious as well. Basically, I will test recipes found around the internet and then, if I'm satisfied with the result, I will take a photo of my dish and share it with you, linking back to the initial source. Of course I will share little tips to spice it up :)

So, that's all I can do for now. Only easy and fast posts. Better than nothing though, right?

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