Guest Post | Cocorrina


Hi everyone! This is Corina, and i’m super excited to be posting today for Anna-Rosa! Halloween, is pretty much my favourite holiday of all. Although we don’t celebrate it in Greece, i do have a soft spot about anything spooky, even though i’m an extreme scaredy cat, there’s something about Halloween that makes my heart beat faster.

I’ve been always fascinated by Catrina, the Mexican Goddess of the dead. So much that in fact i’m already working on my next -and big one- tattoo, that’s going to be Catrina herself, amongst with Peonies. The idea of celebrating, and not be scared of death, remembering our loved ones with happiness could not describe me more. 

Working on designing this Catrina skull, maybe me happier than any other personal project i’ve ever worked on. All purely designed in Illustrator, with a huge smile on my face, experimenting with dots and shapes that look like flowers. This is definitely my favourite kind of illustration. 

So, i prepared two versions of a Muerta Invitation, one in gold and one in black. You can simply print the black and gold one and write your wording on the back with a golden marker. It’s going to look amazing trust me. Or you can choose the most minimal black and white one. Enjoy!

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