and off we go...

So guys, this is it! 
In a couple of hours I'll be on a boat to Crete and I couldn't be more excited! On Sunday we will be heading to Venice and on Tuesday to Lausanne. Not to mention that on the 25th I'll go visit my boyfriend in The Netherlands!!! Can't wait to see him <3 
Three birds with one stone: Italy, Switzerland and The Netherlands. Plus I'll get to have my friend-time and my boyfriend-time, all in one trip. Ok it's not a small one, but still...everything I need right now. 

Well the exciting part, in terms of blogging, is that I have scheduled a series of enormously exciting guest posts. Some of my top favorite fellow bloggers will be contributing here, on my little niece of the internet, keeping you updated while I'll be having some time off of everything. A much needed break!

Feel free to follow along my Euro-trip via Instagram, since it will be the only of the social medias I won't be able to let go, lol! 

Stay tuned cause the Guest Posting period starts on Friday with a lovely post, kinda related to my trip.

See you in Novembeeeeeeeer!!!!!

[image found on this lovely etsy shop]
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