recipe | spinach & brussel sprouts salad


Oh my, I love salads. Especially in the summertime. Not only they are healthy and nutritious, but they are delicious too. I think that most people haven't realized how a great meal a salad can make. Seriously! They think that salads are side-food. On the contrary!! Of course it depends on the ingredients, but salads can definitely be great for light and fresh summer lunches ;)
Anyway, the one I'm sharing today is not that summery but it is absolutely delicious. A nice tricky way to make a salad a main dish is to combine raw vegetables with cooked ones. And of course with some meat too. You know, just enough to convince those who don't like salads. This one doesn't have as a main ingredient meat but it is pretty filling, believe me. So...

| spinach leaves | brussel sprouts | leek | spring onions | pear | smokes turkey slices
| balsamic vinegar / mustard / honey | virgin olive oil | freshly ground pepper / salt

How to make it
| 1 finely chop the leek and spring onions | 2 cut the brussel sprouts in half | 3 cut the turkey in small cubes | 4 add some oil in a medium sized skillet | 5 add the sprouts | 6 add the leek and onions and after one min. add the turkey as well | 7 add the spinach leaves and pieces of pear in a large salad bowl | 8 mix a tbsp of honey with a tbsp of mustard and two tbsp of vinegar. When completely incorporated add two-three tbsp of olive oil and mix again until fully combined | 9 add the cooked ingredients in the salad bowl, mix together and add the vinegar sauce | 10 add some pepper and salt, mix once more and ready

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