The one about :: NOT christmas

The last week or so I stumbled upon many many Christmas pins on pinterest. The first thought was "What the hell are all these holiday pins doing on my dashboard?".. it is not even November after all..! But then I realized some of them were really cool ideas. Like seriously cool stuff for x-mas decoration and gift packages. And then I did it!! I actually did it!! I pressed the Add+ button and made a board myself. And now, all of a sudden, I'm sitting here craving for some hot chocolate in front of the fireplace. For your information, I live in Crete, we have sun here every second day..So it's kind of soon to be even thinking of Christmas. xoxo

by the way these two diy projects are extremely amazing :: 12
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  1. Έχω πάθει ακριβώς το ίδιο.. εμείς εδώ έχουμε ακόμα καλοκαίρι αλλά απάνω έχουν και χιόνια!
    Δεν μπορείς όμως να αγνοήσεις τόσα όμορφα πράγματα ε;

  2. haha amazing! I too have succombed to the power of christmas over pinterest. I'm trying so hard to refrain from decorating and getting my project on

