Happy Sunday


Happy Sunday!!
This is the first Sunday blogging on MyLifeBox and I'm really excited about it!
Sunday is my favorite day! I know that many people hate it because Monday comes right after, but I still believe it's the best! It's the day we all gather to eat or we can go for a pic-nic, if the weather allows it! It's the best day to sit in and do nothing! 
That's why I chose to have a Happy Sunday column every week. I haven't really figured out what is going to be about. I guess it will be related to my Sunday plans! Or it can also be something about Sundays getaways !
Anyway, we'll see how it goes together!
For now it's still Sunday 8th of July, the weather here in Chania is beautiful -I wish you the same wherever you are- and I'm so jealous of all these people going to the beach right now. But unfortunately, as much as great Sunday can be, today I have to work on my Landscape Architecture project and on my house rearranging -which by the way is killing me the last week, but I'm also very excited about it (of course I'll post about that soon too) !


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