HOME is where your BOOKS are...

books... I love books! If only I had money...I would buy a book a day! Ok, I'm not the kind of reader who "eats" every book, cover to cover, in one day... But, I love books. Not only literature etc, but mostly albums, architecture or photography books (yes, I know, these are the most expensive..uh! )! And I love also travel guides, I kinda collect them, it's nice to have one for each place you've been. 
Anyway, this is a corner in my living room..with some of my books! 
Love xoxoxo


  1. I love books too - but for some reason I have given them all away. :) I love how you set up that little corner - it is artsy, yet cozy!

    1. I think I m a little selfish cause I like to keep them all for me !!! But, I think it's great to share books cause it is always very expensive to buy new ones and it is very kind you gave them away..!

